Humanitarian Advocacy

Humanitarian advocacy for Afghanistan has been a crucial aspect of ASEF’s work to support the Afghan people in their time of need. With decades of conflict, natural disasters, and political turmoil, Afghanistan has experienced immense suffering, and millions of its people are in need of basic necessities such as food, shelter, and healthcare. Our humanitarian advocacy has aims to raise awareness of these urgent needs, and to mobilize resources and support to address them. This includes advocating for the protection of human rights, promoting peace and stability, and supporting local organizations and initiatives that are working to improve the lives of Afghan people. Through sustained advocacy efforts, it is possible to build a more just and equitable future for Afghanistan, and to ensure that the voices and needs of its people are heard and addressed by the international community.

Below are some of the works that ASEF has engaged on in the past

On March of 2022, ASEF authored an lead an Open letter to Ursula Von Der Leyon, to increase humanitarian aid funding, which had 50 signatories from numerous organizations and dignitaries.

On March of 2022, ASEF authored an lead an Open letter to Ursula Von Der Leyon, to increase humanitarian aid funding, which had 50 signatories from numerous organizations and dignitaries.

Engagement with different members of congress (House & Senate) and shared ASEF’s policy proposal for Afghanistan to:

  1. Release Afghanistan’s frozen assets in a responsible & phased manner with oversight & monitoring to prevent economic collapse.
  2. Continuation of aid and development projects for women
  3. Reinstate the fulbright scholarship for Afghan students

White paper on Sustainable development for Afghanistan

  • Engagement with policy analysts and key stakeholders on Afghanistan and shared ASEF’s Policy Proposal for Afghanistan.

  • Joint Letters to addressed to (Canadian government, US Congress, and US Treasury) on Afghanistan’s humanitarian situation and sanctions.

  • Signatory to solution proposal for the U.S. Treasury on General Licensing

  • Signatory to numerous petition and letters to government officials and policy makers.